Thursday, October 6, 2011

We will miss you Steve Jobs

As a mac user since 2009 I have loved the feel and the look of my mac. This machine has been very easy and fun to use. I intend on buying many more mac product's cause they are innovative and great machines to use. I have been following mac since 2007 actually and I firmly believe in the products. If it were not for Steve Jobs coming back to mac I think the mac would have been extinct. Mr. Jobs looked forward and believed that a product should be easy to use, attractive and lasting. I have gone through many laptops in 3 years when I was a pc user. I have had my mac with no trouble since early 2009. I have also looked to buy other mac products as well. We all know that these product cost more than the average pc but for reasons listed above they are well worth it. I hear so much negativity from pc users about the mac cause of cost. I tell them, I would rather pay more for quality. I am glad MR. Jobs never sold out like the average pcs do.
Mr. Jobs was a unique, intelligent and innovative human and he will be sorely missed by many, not just for his product but for helping us move forward in technology. There are reasons so many companies copied what he already accomplished, cause they knew his ideas were that good! Like many thought before the dark ages when great libraries with information that could have put humanity steps ahead were destroyed, "I hope this does not set us back and conform us to becoming below average like the masses".